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  • How many students attend the workshop?
    Each workshop is limited to 12 students.
  • When can I enroll?
    Enrollment begins May 1, 2024. Please use the subscribe link on the home page to be added to the wait list.
  • Are there opportunities for parents to volunteer?
    We welcome parental support especially in the area of fundraising. If you are interested in assisting us in our fundraising efforts, please contact us at
  • What is H.E.R.'s protocol if someone in the program tests positive for COVID - 19?
    Family of the student will be notified immediately. Unvaccinated students or staffers who have stayed home sick will not be permitted to attend or return until they have had a negative COVID-19 test, have been fever and fever medication free for 72 hours, other symptoms have improved, and at least 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. Fully vaccinated and boosted campers can return after 5 days after the onset of symptoms.
  • Where do I drop off and pick up my child and what are the drop off and pick up times?
    Drop-off and pickup is at Genesis Studios located 1006 Hafley Ct., Cayce, SC 29033. Staff will be curbside ready to assist you. Drop-off begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 9:00 a.m. and pickup is at 5:30pm. Caregivers of teen students can elect to sign a driving authorization form so that they can check themselves in and out. Please have your ID ready for every pickup so that staff can verify your identity.
  • Do students go on field trips?
    The one week workshop is an intense six day workshop held in one location. Followed by a year around program that meets twice a month. During the year our students work on projects in various locations and at times travel to film festivals and studios.
  • How will you ensure handwashing happens throughout the day?
    Students will be required to wash their hands after restroom breaks, before and after lunch/snack breaks, and between creative activities.
  • Does my child need to bring a lunch?
    Meals are provided. It is our goal to give our students the most authentic production experience. As a result, we provide craft services (snacks and drinks) and our production shoots are catered.
  • How much is the Program?
    The cost of the one week workshop is $500. There is a one time registration fee of $150 and the cost of the year around program is $100 a month.
  • What happens if my child misses a class?
    Our workshops are taught by industry professionals who are visiting the program for a limited time frame. In order to take full advantage of what the program offers, it is extremely important that students do not miss class. At this time there is no penalty for missing class. However, there are no make-up classes available, and missing a class could cause your child to miss out on a valuable experience.
  • Are your counselors Red Cross Certified?
    Yes, all of our program counselors are Red Cross Certified. However, our program solicits the expertise and instruction of industry professionals and they may or may not be Red Cross certified.
  • What does my child need wear and bring?
    We encourage students to dress for a mess! It is advised that they wear clothing that they are comfortable creating in. Close-toed shoes are required. Some inside areas can get chilly so some students may want to bring a sweat shirt or cardigan. Students are not required to wear a face covering.
  • What is the cancellation process?
    H.E.R. Production Academy has worked diligently to meet changing protocols and to protect the health and safety of our staff and your young artists. If your child is registered for our workshop and the academy is forced to cancel, staff will reach out to you. We will make every effort to alert you to any changes at least one week before the workshop is scheduled to begin. You'll have three choices for your registration fee: Receive a full refund Choose to apply the registration fee toward future workshops Support the program by letting your registration fee become your donation to H.E.R. Production Academy H.E.R. Production Academy reserves the right to cancel any workshop that does not meet the minimum enrollment (12 participants) or for other unforeseen circumstances. We will do our best to notify families at least one week prior to the start of the program workshop. Any payments made toward a workshop that H.E.R. Production Academy cancels will be eligible for a refund or can be applied to a future workshop.
  • Do you offer before or aftercare?
    We do not offer before or aftercare.
  • Is there an age limit?
    Yes, our program is available to girls ages 13 - 19.
  • How many instructors are there?
    All H.E.R.-sponsored workshops are supervised by a minimum of two staff members. In addition, professionals in specialized fields come to share their expertise on specific days.
  • What is H.E.R.'s protocol if a child or teacher shows signs of COVID - 19?
    If a child or H.E.R. staff member has a temperature of 100°F or higher, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell, that person will be separated from the group immediately, and required to leave the premises as soon as possible. If a caregiver is contacted and asked to pick up their child, that caregiver should come to the workshop where H.E.R. staff will bring their child to be signed out.
  • What happens if the one week workshop is full and I can't sign up?
    Please reach out to us at to be put on the wait list.
  • What should I do if my child is ill?
    Any signs of illness should be taken seriously, and the student must be kept at home. Please consult your pediatrician for treatment advice based on your child’s symptoms. If your child is diagnosed with COVID-19 after attending our workshop, please alert H.E.R. Production Academy staff.
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